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 مقال بسيط ومفيد عن التخلص من الضغط(STRESS)

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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The STaR 1

عدد المساهمات : 8
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/02/2010

مقال بسيط ومفيد عن التخلص من الضغط(STRESS) Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مقال بسيط ومفيد عن التخلص من الضغط(STRESS)   مقال بسيط ومفيد عن التخلص من الضغط(STRESS) Emptyالإثنين 09 أغسطس 2010, 10:03 pm

The skills of becoming relaxed when necessary and remaining relaxed whenever possible can be transformative, and can make a measurable difference in health. This is because living in a state of chronic stress--remaining physiologically stressed over long periods of time, without triggering your body's relaxation response--can impact your health in a variety of negative ways. Learning to become relaxed readily and easily can bring a healthier and more enjoyable life.

\\ transformativeقابله للتحول\\chronicمزمن \\remainingالبقاء-الاستمرار\\physiologically نفسيا\\trigger يثير\\impact your healthيؤثر علي صحتك\\\\readily بسرعه-بسهوله

Fortunately, there are several simple ways to become relaxed quickly and easily. They each bring their own unique benefits, so it's good to know a variety of techniques that you can use to become relaxed in a pinch. Here are some of my top recommendations:

Fortunately من حسن الحظ\\simple بسيطه\\ unique benefits فوائد فريده من نوعها\\ a variety of مجموعة منوعة من\\techniques اساليب\\recommendationsتوصيات-ترشيحات\\

Breathing Exercises
Breathing exercises are a terrific way to become relaxed quickly and easily--they can be done by just about anyone, anywhere and at any time. Slowing your breathing, breathing from your diaphragm, and even using breathing visualization are ways to use breathing exercises to relax your body and your mind. Here's a simple breathing exercise to get you started.

Breathing Exercises تمارين التنفس\\by just about anyone من قبل أي شخص تقريبا \\diaphragm الحجاب الحاجز\\ to get you started.لتبدأ



Progressive Muscle Relaxation, or PMR,


Because the body reacts physically to imagery created by the mind, visualizations are an effective form of getting relaxed, and are as simple and fun as daydreaming. There are many, many different visualizations you can try to get more relaxed and reverse your body's stress response. You can visualize yourself in a relaxing location, visualize a positive result from a stressing scenario, or, more simply, just visualize tension and stress leaving your body with each breath! Here's a nice breathing visualization to get you started.

Visualization التصور - التخيل\\reacts يتفاعل\\physically بدنيا\\imagery الصور\\create يخلق\\form شكل\\daydreaming احلام اليقظه\\reverse يعكس-يلغي\\visualize يتخيل-يتصور\\response رد فعل-اجابه-استجابه\\scenario سيناريو\\location موقع-مكان\\tension التوتر

Have A Good Laugh
Laughter is a wonderful, natural way to release tension in your body and get your mind in a better place so your stressors don't seem so...stressful. If you have the time, I heartily recommend seeing a nice, funny movie, or reading a funny book to get a little laughter into your day. But if you don't have the time in the schedule for that, simply maintaining a sense of humor throughout your regular day can help quite a bit in the way of keeping you relaxed.

Laughter الضحك\\Laugh ضحكه\\heartily بإخلاص\\schedule جدول-قائمه\\maintaining المحافظه علي\\benefits فوائد\\relief تخفيض-التحرر من

Change Your Perspective
Much of what stresses you comes not from your stressors/link] themselves, but from your response to them. More specifically, your interpretation of your stressors, as well as your approach to dealing with them, can make the events themselves feel much more (or less) stressful. Happily, you can choose different thoughts, even if you can't choose different life circumstances. And there are a few 'tricks' for gaining a better perspective for remaining relaxed under trying conditions: first, you can adopt the thinking style of optimists by interpreting certain facets of a situation in a way that brings hope and eliminates self-doubt. You can also adopt the view that you may have more power in a situation than you realize (called having an internal locus of control, which is also known to eliminate feelings of stress), and then looking for new solutions. Finally, be sure that you're not already sabotaging yourself with overly negative thinking, and read over these common distorted thinking patterns, or cognitive distortions--do any sound familiar? If so, you can become aware of them and eliminate this type of thinking.

Whatever strategies you use, practice them and use them often, and you can maintain a much more relaxed lifestyle.

هذا المقال مأخوذ و معدل بعنايه من http://stress.about.com/od/stressbasics/a/relaxed.htm
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